Special Offers!
Click the TrialPay link and get some big company to buy you a fully-licensed copy of ClipMate - for free!
If you want to get rid of this message and keep using ClipMate, there's no better way than to purchase a key from us.! Use coupon GOSTR8_500 to save 5 bucks!
User Testimonials
Click To View All, or add your own!I got caught too ... I figure you have earned my liscense -- so I just ordered it and the app is up and running. Well done!
- Another Sorry Pirate

Error 412
Software Piracy Detected

You are using a key registered to .
The key was generated using a keygen created by a cracker named SKAMER.
All such keys have been locked out.
You are using key: .

Your IP address has been logged as .

Troubleshooting ClipMate Error 412:

If you have an error 412, it means that you are using a registration key that has been generated with an invalid certificate - this usually means that the key was generated by a pirated key generator (keygen).  All such keys have been blacklisted. In order to protect our paying customers, we disable any registration key that has been found on "crack" sites, newsgroups, etc.. Using fraudulent credit cards, writing bad checks, etc., will also result in blacklisting.

Special OfferSpecial Offer!  "Go Straight" before Jan 1 2008, and save $5.  We're doing this as a marketing study, to see if we can convert you into a customer.  You must use the "buy now" link to the left, and use coupon code:  GOSTR8_500. 
Or, how about FREE? Sign up for one of our partner offers, and get some big company to buy ClipMate for you. Click the TrialPay button for details.

If you believe that you are getting this message in error, and that you have indeed purchased a ClipMate key, please send a note to explaining that you received this error message, and give any helpful information (transaction number, date, user name, e-mail addresses, etc.) about your order so that we can look you up in our database and issue a new key.

Resolving the situation

If you want to get rid of this message and keep using ClipMate, there's no better way than to purchase a key from us.  Sure, we get annoyed when people use cracks and hacks - but if you purchase a key from us, all is forgiven!  You can get back on track by visiting our order page and buying a registration key from our secure server. It'll work better than the ones found on the crack sites - we promise! Before entering your new key, you'll need to remove the old key - instructions are here.

We apologize if you have received this message in error. And we're sorry that today's climate of shameless software piracy has made this necessary.  If we don't get paid, we can't continue to develop and support this great product. That's just the way it is. 

Chris Thornton, President
Thornsoft Development

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