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Copyright 1995-2007 by Thornsoft Development


Download ClipMate 7.2 Beta


See the Release Notes and NEW FEATURES for information on what's new.  See the USB/Portable page for information on U3, PortableApps.Com, and Generic USB Drives.

Download ClipMate, and kiss the old clipboard goodbye!Trial Download?
Registered Download?
It's all the same!
Licensed users receive a registration key that turns the TRIAL into the FULLY Registered version.

Read The DocumentationIf you are testing the Portable version, please read the documentation.

Downloading ClipMate Beta

Click HERE for "Regular ClipMate" BETA 7.2 desktop installer (Registered or Trial)

Click HERE for U3 EXE Installer (Registered only)

Click HERE for U3 U3P Installer (Registered only)

Click HERE for PortableApps Format (.PAF.EXE) Installer (Registered only)

IMPORTANT!  If you are testing the portable version, you need to download and install the desktop version first, then the portable version.   Also, unless you already know what a .u3p or .paf file is, please read the documentation!

Warning: The beta is English-only, and will not work with earlier language files. If you are running a non-English version, you should first delete everything in the "Language" directory before installing this version.  Languages should be ready in a week or two.


  • Approximate size is 5 MB
  • Instructions for Portable Drives is here.
  • Beta Evaluation Form is here.
  • Discussion forum is here  (use vip code 4422 to sign up, if you aren't a member of the forum.)

ClipMate - Latest Release Latest Version:


Release Notes

ClipMate wins "Best Application" at the 2007 Shareware Industry Awards.

ClipMate "Portable" runs on your USB "thumb" drive!
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Vista Ready?  You Bet! Read More
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Our Clipboard Extender Has Won Many Awards and Has Gotten Great Reviews. Buzz:

"Vastly changes the workings of a computer's clipboard."
-- James Fallows , New York Times (Oct 3, 2004)
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